Let's Talk

Let's Talk


Electronic Invoices

THANK YOU for your interest in our New Electronic Invoices Service and supporting our ECO-Commerce Transformation!

Using this service, not only will you receive soft copies of our legal VAT invoices in a timely, simple, and secure, manner but you will also have a positive contribution to sustainable business practices and value creation.

 By registering to this service, your named responsible will receive soft copies of our VAT electronic invoices by email next business day to any transaction.

To Register to E-invoices Service, please email us your named contact details to sfarag@mantracegypt.com with the subject “Electronic Invoices Service” including the following information for up to two contacts:


Company Name

Contact Name



E-mail Address













THANK YOU for helping “Save a Tree” by switching to “Electronic Invoices” because “Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out”, Robert Collier.